< PreviousRIPPLE OF CHANGE START A RIPPLE Learn how you can start your own ripple of positive change with actionable lists across multiple categories, including activism, education, health, identity, and land, as well as recommended books that will help you take your purpose-driven journey to the next level. → rippleofchange.wpengine.com/start-a-ripple Amplifi er Resources to Make the World Better Amplify good with these purpose-driven resources Want to amplify your eff orts to do good or become an amplifi er? Perhaps you’re looking to infl uence positive change through social media or a platform you created? Or maybe you want to make a diff erence at your workplace? We know just the thing to help. Check out these resources from changemakers featured in this edition of Make The World Better Magazine. MORE AMPLIFIER RESOURCES Want even more resources? Sparx has compiled a list of 25+ resources you can use to amplify your eff orts, infl uence impact, or become an amplifi er. Visit our blog for the complete list. → sparxpg.com/blog/-resources-that-will-amplify-your- eff orts-to-make-the-world-better DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TOOLKIT Grow your environmental initiatives and personal impact with this dual-language toolkit, fi lled with ideas for collective and individual action, steps for getting started, and networks, resources, and tools for every step of your journey. → davidsuzuki.org/science-learning-centre-article/ community-engagement-toolkit SUSTAINABILITY ADVANTAGE MASTER SLIDE DECKS Bob Willard, Founder of Sustainability Advantage, has over 900 slides for subscribers to use and tailor for their purposes, saving them time and resources. Enjoy in-depth content on sustainability in the business community, including frameworks, business cases, and more. → sustainabilityadvantage.com/slides INTERSECTIONAL ENVIRONMENTALIST REIMAGINING FOOD JUSTICE AND FOOD SOVEREIGNTY TOOLKIT With this digital toolkit, increase your understanding of food justice and food sovereignty and discover steps for taking action, including ways to amplify community-based initiatives. → intersectionalenvironmentalist.com/toolkits/ reimagining-food-justice-food-sovereignty-toolkit LOVE FOOD HATE WASTE CANADA TIPS BOARD Promote eff orts to eliminate food waste by sharing food-saving tips and stories, or visit the board for actionable recipes and advice to make positive changes in your kitchen. → lovefoodhatewaste.ca/get-inspired/tips 60 MAKE THE WORLD BETTER MAGAZINEWWW.HEALMARY.COM WE’REPATIENTSANDCAREGIVERSTOO HealMaryisafreeAI driventooltohelppatients andtheirfamiliesquickly findavailabletreatments matchingtheirhealthcare needs. Webelieveincreating equalaccesstohealthcare optionsandinapatient empoweredexperience. Becausewe’vebeenthere too.Find a home for your next big idea. Learn how going public on the CSE helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses through efficient access to capital and a global community of investors. Toronto OfficeVancouver Office thecse.com 416-572-2000604-331-1213 100 King Street West, Suite 7210 Toronto, Ontario, MSX 1E1 1095 West Pender Street, Suite 305 Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 2M6Where local brands, community advisors and industry experts lift Vancouver-based cause-driven organizations through strategic consultation sessions and skill-based volunteering efforts. info@brandsforbetter.ca Calling Vancouver brands who want to make an impact. Community Partnership Program Having help available may be key to their success. Join a group of purpose-based, progressive brands that are setting out to support not-for-profits and social enterprises in need of a little love. Your employees can apply their skills to impact causes right here in our city, and activate your company’s mission and purpose on a local level. Join a team of volunteers from brands across Vancouver who will contribute their professional skills across various spheres and disciplines, to work with recipient organizations to overcome their challenges. We are now recruiting brand champions, employee engagement leads and social impact team leads across Vancouver brands to take a seat at the table to help strategize on our approach. If this sounds like you, please reach out! Are you part of a Vancouver-based brand or organization that offers paid volunteer hours to your staff? Are you looking for more ways for your team to participate? Perhaps skill-based volunteering might improve your participation benchmark! The not-for-profit and social enterprise landscape has evolved dramatically in recent years and the change continues as new technologies emerge, public interest changes and new services and programs are created for community outreach. Cause-driven organizations have to be aligned with these shifts to connect with constituents and support their community's needs. This allows them to stay relevant, attract good talent, and continue making an impact with their mission. These organizations face a highly dynamic landscape of challenges and opportunities throughout their entire life cycle, which can make it difficult to carry out their mission of stewardship and scale projects as needed.